Buyuk Khan (Great Inn), North Nicosia
I took these photos in Northern Nicosia in November 2012 with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 camera
Ulica Asmalti Asmalti Street |
Informačná tabuľa s plánom centra mesta A tourist board with a walled town plan |
Büyük Han - vchod Büyük Hhan - the entrance |
Büyük Han - pohľad z ulice Asmalti Büyük Han - a view from the Asmalti Street |
Hostinec je postavený zo žltého kameňa a je to najväčší hostinec z tohoto obdobia na Cypre. The inn is built of yellow stone and it is the biggest khan from this period in Cyprus. |
Dvojposchodový hostinec má 68 izieb a 10 obchodov a jeho areál má tvar štvorca. The inn is two storied and it has 68 rooms and 10 shops and its area is square-shaped. |
Vnútorné nádvorie. The inner court. |
Vrchné poschodie. The upper floor. |
Izba na vrchnom poschodí. Rooms at the upper floor. |
Tabuľa na vrchnom poschodí - tradičné cypersko-turecké tieňové divadlo. A board at the upper floor - the traditional Cyprus Turkish shadow theatre. |
Izba na vrchnom poschodí s tabuľou umeleckej galérie. A room at the upper floor with an art gallery board. |
Izba na vrchnom poschodí s tabuľou predajne s keramikou. A room at the upper floor with ceramics shop board. |
Obchody na prízemí. Shops at the ground floor. |
Reštaurácia na prízemí. A restaurant at the groud floor. |
Informačná tabuľa. An information board. |
Východ na ulicu Asmalti. The exit to Asmalti Street. |